1. John1 Luther was born at Great Canford, Dorsetshire, England? He married Elizabeth _ circa 1635. He died late 1644 at on board ship, Delaware Bay.
Children of John1 Luther and Elizabeth _ were as follows:
2. Samuel2 Luther (John1) was born in 1636. He married Mary Abel circa 1662 at Rehoboth, MA. He died on 20 Dec 1716 at Swansea, MA.
Children of Samuel2 Luther and Mary Abel were as follows:
Samuel became prominent in politics and religion. He lived in Rehoboth and Swansea. He fought against the Indians in 1676. He was the minister of the Swansea Baptist Church between 1685 and 1716. This was the first Baptist Church in Massachusetts.
According to the Luther Genealogy, Samuel's wife, Mary Abel has ancestors which can be traced back to 500 AD. Her ancestors are said to include 5 Kings of England, Matilda the wife of William the Conqueror, French Kings, Charlemagne and Saints.
3. Samuel3 Luther (Samuel2, John1) was born on 25 Oct 1663 at Rehoboth. He married Sarah (--?--). He died on 23 Jul 1714 at Swansea at age 50. He was buried at Kickemuit Cemetery, Warren, Rhode Island.
Children of Samuel3 Luther and Sarah _ were as follows:
4. Consider4 Luther (Samuel3, Samuel2, John1) was born on 16 Apr 1698 at Swansea. He married Margaret Jewett on 23 Apr 1719 at Swansea.
Children of Consider4 Luther and Margaret Jewett were as follows:
5. Benjamin5 Luther (Consider4, Samuel3, Samuel2, John1) was born circa 1722. He married Wealthy Wyatt, daughter of John Wyatt.
Children of Benjamin5 Luther and Wealthy Wyatt were as follows:
6. Benjamin6 Luther (Benjamin5, Consider4, Samuel3, Samuel2, John1) was born on 7 Apr 1751 at Dighton. He married Rebecca Trafton on 17 Nov 1774 at Dighton. He died on 8 Nov 1834 at Dighton at age 83.
Children of Benjamin6 Luther and Rebecca Trafton were as follows:
According to the Luther Genealogy, "Benjamin Luther resided in Dighton, was of a family of seamen, and had four master mariners in his family. He was said to have always been spoken of as 'Captain Benjamin of Dighton.' He was a Revolutionary soldier, enlisting in Capt. Ephraim Hathaway's Co., Co. Popes' Reg't., on the Alarms of Dec. 8, 1776 and Aug. 1780."
Rebeccah's parents were probably Joseph and Ziporah mentioned in this deed from Benjamin to his soon to be son in law Anthony Snell:
Dighton: Know all Men by these presents that I Benjamin Luther of Dighton in ye
County of Bristol + Commonwealth of Massachusetts yoeman for + in consideration
of Six Hundred Dollars to me in hand before ye Ensealing hereof well + truly
paid by Anthony Snell of Dighton in ye County + Commonwealth aforesaid Mariner
of receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, do hereby give, grant, Sell + Convey
unto ye said Anthony Snell + unto his heirs _ assigns forever a certain piece of
Land Siuate in Dighton, and bounded as follows. Easterly on the Highway, Northerly
by Land of Francis Borland. Westerly by Land of Francis Borland. Southerly by land of
Joseph Talbut. Containing half an Acre? ? same more of less. To have + to hold ?
above granted _ Bargained premises, with all ye privelidges thereunto belonging
unto heir of said Anthony Snell + unto his heirs + assigns forever, and I do
Covenant with heirs of said Anthony Snell that I am lawfully seized in fee of
the Premises, and that they are free from all Incumbrances and that I have good
right to see + convey ye same inm manner oforesd and that I will warrant Secure +
defend ye same unto him Ye said Anthony Snell his heirs + assigns against ? of all
claims + demands of all persons forever herafter, and also I the sd Ziporah
Traffen ye wife of Joseph Traffen late of Dighton Decd do ? all my right of
Dower + power of thirds on ye above sd granted + bargained premises, unto him ye
said Anthony Snell + unto his heirs + assigns forever, In witness whereof we have
hereunto set our hands + seals, this Twenty first Day of May Anno do 1800.
Signed Sealed + Delivered in presence of
Bristol ? May 28, 1800. Then ye within named Benjamin Luther, Zporah Traffen, + Rebeccah Luther personally appeared + acknowliged ye within written Instrument by them Subcribed to be their Volentary Act of Deed, hand + seal |
Benjamin's inventory was taken in 1836 and gives an idea of what Benjamin owned:
An Inventory of the estate of Benjamin Luther, late of Dighton in the County of Bristol deceased, via. About 30 rods of land with half a dwelling house, half a barn and a cornhouse thereon standing | $316.00 |
1 Bedstead, bed + bedding, S.B. Room | $8.75 |
1 do do N.B. Chamber | $4.25 |
1 eight day clock | $7.00 |
1 Maple Desk | $2.50 |
1 3½ ft. maple Table | 1.25 |
1 do round do | 1.25 |
1 small round do | "25 |
6 dining chairs | 2.10 |
1 arm chair | "35 |
1 looking glass | 2.25 |
2 pr. Andirons | 1.00 |
Iron ware | "67 |
1 pine table | "67 |
1 warming pan | 50 |
$349.79 |
His inventory does not include livestock or tolls as did Joseph Hathaway's from 20 years earlier (see the section on Hathaway). Perhaps as a mariner, Benjamin had his work done for him and purchased much of his food.
7. Betsey7 Luther (Benjamin6, Benjamin5, Consider4, Samuel3, Samuel2, John1) was born on 24 Sep 1780 at Dighton. She married Anthony Snell, son of Anthony Snell and Rebeckah Hoar, on 25 Jul 1800 at Dighton, Massachusetts. She died on 15 Jul 1819 at Dighton at age 38.
Children of Betsey7 Luther and Anthony Snell all born at Dighton were as follows:
He lived in 1840 at Bristol, Rhode Island.
He According to Luther Genealogy born in Nantucket in 1808. Hartley Family Bible says the same.
Please send e-mail to: joel@jmhartley.com Created with the help of The Master Genealogist for Windows and updated on October 2002.