Descendants of John Clarke of Carrownacarrick

The Clarkes in Ireland became the Clarks in the United States. With help from relatives in Ireland, most notably Arthur Livingstone, much more information on the Irish branch of this family has been discovered. Descendants of the Clarkes are still living in their ancestral area of Carrownacarrick in County Sligo. As shown below, this family also married one of the McMasters. The McMasters are also related to the Frazers. As it turns out, when James Archibald Frazer married Margaret Clark, he married his aunt's sister.

In addition, I have been in touch with Massachusetts relatives who have filled me in with more details on the family. A family history written by Violet Florence McMasters has been discovered. She relates what she knows about the family including information that she gleaned from her mother Catherine Clark. I will be quoting from her work below (in the highlighted boxes).

Generation One

1. JOHN1 CLARKE married Catherine Whitesides. He died on 7 Mar 1886. He was buried at Rathbarren Church Yard, Coolaney, Sligo.
Children of John1 Clarke and Catherine Whitesides all born at Ireland were as follows:

My family history as I remember mother telling me –

John Clark my great-grandfather md. Catherine Whiteside or Raycroft who was born in India, the daughter of a sea-captain. I never heard of where he lived.

They had three children – Bessie md. Gilbert Archie of Penn. (never heard anything more of her). Celia md. Charles Mc Gary ( Roman Catholic which was a disgrace so had to leave home). They came to America and settled on St. Margin St., North End of Boston, Mass. He was in the tea business and they  owned their own home (no children). She was a member of Christ Episcopal Church (the Old North Church) for more than fifty years.

As I remember my great Aunty Gary, she always wore black corded silk dresses, and her ear-reings were gold English coins (as big as a quarter) with Queen Victoria’s head on them, they seemed so heavy that they pulled her ear-lobes way down. She always had brown hair. (Evidently she detested the idea of growing old & she was very smart, and in her eighties when she would come (by trolley) from the North End to Roxbury to visit us. She had several pictures of Queen Victoria, and the Royal Family on her parlor walls, perhaps that’s where some of the English was instilled in my mother.

She died at the age of eighty-eight years and is buried in Forest Hills Cemetery, Boston, Mass.

Generation Two

elizarchey (55K)
Old Pine Grove Cemetery

2. ELIZABETH2 CLARKE (John1) was born circa 1818 at Ireland. She married Gilbert Archey. She died on 19 Jun 1891. She was buried at Old Pine Grove Mills Cemetery, Pine Grove Mills, Centre, Pennsylvania.
She immigrated on 3 Aug 1847 to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She lived between 1850 and 1880 at Ferguson Township, Centre.
Children of Elizabeth2 Clarke and Gilbert Archey were as follows:

Bessie Clark md. Gilbert Archie and settled in Penn. Never hear from her.

I was able to find out some more about this family. Gilbert apparently had at least one relative (probably an older brother who lived in the area). The family member also buried in the same cemetery as Elizabeth and Gilbert was John Archey b. Aug. 15, 1792 d. Sep. 3, 1873.  Gilbert died in 1861 - 30 years before his wife.

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Carrownacarrick in County Sligo

3. THOMAS2 CLARKE (John1) was born in 1823 at Ireland. He married Jane Spratt circa 1860. He married Jane Henderson on 6 Oct 1868 at Killoran Church, Sligo, Ireland. He died on 7 Mar 1886 at Sligo. He was buried at Rathbarron Churchyard, Coolaney, Sligo.
Children of Thomas2 Clarke and Jane Spratt were as follows:
Arthur Livingstone has shown that Margaret could not have been born in May of 1867. Her mother died on the 31st of December 1866 of a ruptured womb, apparently 2 days after giving birth. It may have been at this time that Margaret was born. History repeats itself or genetics may have played a part in Margaret dieing in similar fashion.

Children of Thomas2 Clarke and Jane Henderson were as follows:

Thomas Clark
md Jane Spratt. They seven children: John, Eliza, Celia, Catherine, Charles, Martha and Jane. I knew all but John and Eliza. Eliza md an Englishman. I don’t remember his first name, but the last was Copeland (?) and she always lived in England.

Thomas Clark was born in 1823 and died March 7 1886. Buried in Rathbarren Church Yard (He was married a second time to Jane Henderson and had six or seven children).

Generation Three

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James Frazer and Catherine Clark McMaster

4. CATHARINE3 CLARK (Thomas2 Clarke, John1) was born on 18 Feb 1863 at Ireland. She married William McMaster, son of James McMaster Sr. and Fanny McMaster, on 6 Oct 1882 at Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. She died on 18 Jul 1936 at 41 Chesbrough Road, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, at age 73. She was buried on 21 Jul 1936 at Lot 3030, Grave 1, Mararite Walk, Mt. Hope Cemetery, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts.
She was also known as Catherine McMasters. She lived in 1910 at 14 Windsor Street, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. She was ill with carcinoma left breast and mastectomy in 1931.

Catharine's husband who was a cook died in 1899 of heart disease 3 years after the birth of their youngest girl. The family lived on Northfield Street (location unknown), and Camden Street in the late 1880's. Camden Street is South of the intersection of Tremont Street and Massachusetts Ave. In 1900, Catharine and her family lived at 103 Sterling Street (now Melnea Cass Boulevard). In 1920 she lived at 6 Galena Street with her daughter Fannie W. who at that time was a 25 year old department store saleslady. Galena Street appears to be near present day Kensington Street or in the area of Martin Luther King Boulevard. She continued to move South as did the Frazer family.

The photo to the right was likely taken after James lost his wife and Catherine lost her husband.

Children of Catharine3 Clark and William McMaster were as follows:

Catherine Clark was confirmed in Rathbarren Church at the age of twelve as the bishop came from England only every seven years. Mother said that when the children of her family did wrong, her father would scold them, then quote Bible verses to them. A religious man, but kindly.

These were not educated people, as in those days only the rich went to college (no Marton or Hillier did either) but we were all healthy and of sound mind, no nervous trouble on either side of the family, something to be very thankful for.

My sister Fanny and I used to laugh and say Thank God for Tommy and Catherine Clark we had such good health and dispositions.

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Margaret Clark

5. MARGARET3 CLARK (Thomas2 Clarke, John1) was born circa 29 Dec 1866 at Carrowmacarrick, Coolaney, Sligo, Ireland. She married James Archibald Frazer, son of George William Frazer and Margaret McMaster, on 5 Oct 1892 at Boston, MA. She died on 17 Sep 1902 at 109 Sterling St., Boston; Death attributed to shock following delivery of child. Her funeral was held at Church of the Ascension, Washington St., corner of Newcomb St., Roxbury, MA, on 20 Sep 1902. She was buried on 20 Sep 1902 at Grave #202, Field of Beulah, Forest Hills, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts.
She Died of shock following delivery of child, 24 hours. Age at death 35 years, 4 months. Birth date calculated from age at death. Other sources could give a later birth date. She immigrated in 1884. She and James Archibald Frazer appeared on the census of 12 Jun 1900 at 57 Westminster Street, Boston, MA.

A Margaret Clark arrived in Boston on 10 October 1885 on the 5514 ton S.S. Cephalonia out of the Ports of Liverpool and Queenstown along with 424 other passengers. Queenstown (now Cobh) was the port for Cork on route from Liverpool to North America. She was 18 at the time and listed as a servant. A 16 year old Eliza Clark, possibly a relative, was also on board.

Her sister Catharine may have introduced Margaret to James Frazer. Catharine's husband William McMaster was James' uncle (the brother of James' mother,
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Margaret Clark Frazer and Family
Margaret McMaster Frazer). Seven years after arriving in Boston, Margaret married. The Rev. William Osgood Pearson performed the ceremony at St. John's Church, Boston Highlands. Boston Highlands is currently in Roxbury. Life improved economically. She had a daughter and a son. Her husband was a successful businessman. She lived near her sister and housed Frazer brother-in-laws from time to time. Tragedy came suddenly and unexpectedly when she died following childbirth in 1902 - 3 years after her sister Catherine's husband died.

Children of Margaret3 Clark and James Archibald Frazer were as follows:

6. WILLIAM3 CLARKE (Thomas2, John1) was born on 2 Apr 1873 at Carrownacarrick, Sligo, Ireland. He married Isobel (--?--) circa 1916.
Children of William3 Clarke and Isobel (--?--) were as follows:

Generation Four

7. GEORGE EDWARD4 MCMASTER (Catharine3 Clark, Thomas2 Clarke, John1); Note on Register: Corrected 1-16-48 was born on 18 Dec 1884 at 40 Northfield Street, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. He married Grace A. Cowan, daughter of Alexander J Cowan and Leonora Thorpe, on 3 Feb 1915 at Boston.
He lived in 1915 at 6 Galena St, Boston. He was a Trainman, NY, NH & H RR in 1915. He lived between 1920 and 1930 at 11 West Riverside Drive, Dedham.
Children of George Edward4 McMaster and Grace A. Cowan were as follows:

8. VIOLET FLORENCE4 MCMASTER (Catharine3 Clark, Thomas2 Clarke, John1); Birth register mention a correction: 12/18/59? was born on 24 Nov 1886 at 53 Camden, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. She married Arthur M. Marston on 30 Jun 1908.
She lived at Braintree, Massachusetts.
Children of Violet Florence4 McMaster and Arthur M. Marston are as follows:

9. FRANCES WENTWORTH4 MCMASTER (Catharine3 Clark, Thomas2 Clarke, John1) was born on 12 Jun 1896 at 9 Gainsboro St., Boston, Massachusetts. She married Herbert H. Butler circa 1923.
She was also known as Fannie. She lived in 1930 at 5 Alhambra Road, West Roxbury, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts.
Children of Frances Wentworth4 McMaster and Herbert H. Butler are:

10. MARION MARGARET4 FRAZER (Margaret3 Clark, Thomas2 Clarke, John1) was born on 15 Sep 1894 at 51 Westminster St. "Hotel Westminster", Roxbury, Boston, MA. She was baptized on 15 Sep 1894 at S. John's Church, Boston Highlands, Roxbury, Massachusetts. She married James Hartley, son of James Hartley and Annie Louisa Snell, on 30 Jun 1917. She died in Jan 1982 at age 87. She was buried at Sherman Cemetery, Rochester, MA.
She was a School Teacher. She lived at Snipatuit Road, Rochester. She appeared on the census of 12 Jun 1900 in the household of James Archibald Frazer and Margaret Clark at 57 Westminster Street, Boston, MA.
Children of Marion Margaret4 Frazer and James Hartley were as follows:

11. GEORGE WILLIAM4 FRAZER (Margaret3 Clark, Thomas2 Clarke, John1) was born on 28 Jun 1896 at Boston, MA. He married Helen V. _ circa 1920. He died on 29 Dec 1960 at age 64.
He appeared on the census of 12 Jun 1900 in the household of James Archibald Frazer and Margaret Clark at 57 Westminster Street, Boston, MA. He lived in 1930 at 3 Waumback Street, Quincy, Massachusetts. He was a real estate salesman in 1930.
Children of George William4 Frazer and Helen V. _ both born at Massachusetts are as follows:

12. WILLIAM4 CLARKE (William3, Thomas2, John1) was baptized in 1918 at Carrownacarrick, Sligo, Ireland. He married Doris Kathleen Rowina circa 1957.
Children of William4 Clarke and Doris Kathleen Rowina are as follows:

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